DR Market News Briefs

NG Energy Provides Update on Production and Gas Sales at Sinu-9, Colombia


Last updated: 10/11/2024 08:07:53

08:07 AM EDT, 10/11/2024 (MT Newswires) -- NG Energy International (GASX.V) on Friday said that it and its partners have completed the commissioning of the early production phase of the first Central Processing Facility (CPF-1) and the 28.3 km pipeline at Sinu-9 in Colombia.

The authorities have also approved production of 29.3 MMcf/d at Sinu-9: 19.5 MMcf/d from the Brujo-1X well and 9.8 MMcf/d from the Magico-1X well. NG Energy expects production and sales of 10 MMcf/d from the Brujo-1X well to begin very soon, and this will increase until the end of the year. There are plans to bring the Magico-1X well into production over the coming weeks, the company said.

"Receiving the required approval and imminently bringing production from the Brujo-1X well on-line through the CPF-1 are major milestones for the company, as it will transform NGE into a profitable business as production ramps up over the coming weeks," said President Don Sewell.

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